So, this Christmas was an interesting one, to say the least. I wasn't able to purchase anyone a gift this year, due to tight funds, nor was I able to visit a few folks who I was looking forward to seeing again.
That being said, all in all, it turned out quite well. My gifts included a swank bike from my father along with a nice gift card to Kohls. My mother purchased a nice Sony Cybershot ( A DSC-W80 for you technical fanatics.) In addition my step-grandmother made me an afgan, which has come in handy during this cold weather.
Outside of that, I've been very personally productive in getting most, if not all, of the things I wanted to do this Christmas, done.
I've finally organized all of my music and my ebook collection (Whew! What a task) The music was greatly helped by a program called picard, which uses the musicbrainz database for all of the tagging information.
After that, I returned to Statesboro and began to finish cleaning my room, and I established a filing system for bank statements, loan payments, etc.
I've done some further work on the Reflector website, noteably making the listing function (Something that is done often) all operate out of one file, so I'm even closer to the "Ruby way".
I've come quite far in the styles for the admin layout, and in the process I've learned quite a bit about the way CSS really works, when it comes to rendering pages.
Here's the current (best) looking reflector main-site page:

Here's the current (best) looking reflector admin-site page: