December 10, 2007

Back on track and chugging along

So, I've managed to (downgrade) to a different version of rails for the moment, from 2.0.1 to 1.2.6 and this has allowed me to continue progress. I should be able to update once again soon, but for the moment I will wait.

(In addition, forgive the pun)

I went ahead and signed up for basecamp, which is sort of a project management site. They have extended settings designed so that you can host multiple projects, files etc, but I only really need one. For free I can't beat it to be honest.

This weekend has proved to be very fulfilling as far as development on the Reflector site goes. I've managed to rewrite the internal code and improve some of what I had before. In addition, I've learned a ton about some of the Rails methods and how they work for the most part. Especially the find() method.

In the previous version of the site, you would go to a URL such as and you'd see all of the podcasts.  If you wished to comment, you'd be directed towards

Honestly this was ugly and a waste of code, so I've changed a few things about the structure.

First when the site goes live, it will be a sub domain for its "parent" site So right off the bat, our URL will be I've updated the code to reflect this and so now when you browse to the "Podcasts" section, you'll see the URL as being  In addition, if you look to see comments, the URL is now

Works quite well all in all. In addition I am still really impressed with how rails handles the tiny bit of code I have to achieve all of this.

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